Arts and Culture Fund Round 2

This is a preview of the Arts & Cultural Fund form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

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Arts & Cultural Fund

* indicates a required field.

In 2024 the Baw Baw Shire Council’s Arts and Culture Advisory Committee (ACAC) successfully advocated for Council budget to undertake a dedicated quick response arts and culture fund to support creative pursuits in the community. This is a 12-month trial project.

Round 1 will close 5.00pm AEST Monday 11 November 2024. Late applications will not be permitted.


The Arts and Cultural Fund will strengthen the arts, enhance the Shire’s cultural life and reflect the importance of Council’s long-term vision for a ‘connected and cultural enriched community'.

Consideration will be given to whether the application: 

  • Contributes to the growth of creative enterprises, the local creative ecology and/or individual arts practices, 
  • Contributes to the development of the local arts community, 
  • Is feasible and achievable,
  • Provides opportunities for the community to experience and participate in the arts, 
  • Fosters partnerships and collaborations between local artists, residents and local community groups. 

What you need to be eligible


  • For projects that will be delivered in the public, applicants must have public liability insurance with a minimum $20 million cover or supported by an auspice organisation with the same cover for projects that will be out in the public.
  • Must comply with the Victorian Child Safe Standards and have a valid Working With Children's Check (where applicable)
  • Have no outstanding debts at Baw Baw Shire Council.
  • Have no outstanding project grant acquittals with Baw Baw Shire Council.
  • If you are under 18 years of age, you will need to have signed approval from a parent/guardian.
  • Applications must be received on time; late applications will not be eligible.

Who can apply?


  • Residents of Baw Baw Shire or creative practitioners with a creative practice primarily located in Baw Baw Shire. 
  • Projects which are located and delivered in Baw Baw Shire.
  • Residents looking to build their professional development in the creative industries.
  • Organisations and community groups partnering with local creative/s to develop a creative project which will boost the creative practitioners' work and have broad community benefit.
  • The fund strongly encourages applicants from creative industries initiatives serving youth and / or the First Nations community.
  • Applicants under 18 years of age can apply but must have proof of consent from a parent/guardian. We will need to confirm in person with a parent/guardian should you be successful.


I confirm that I meet the Eligibility Criteria * Required
Response required.
Address Line 1, Suburb/Town, State/Province, Postcode, and Country are required. 
Must be an Australian phone number. 
Must be an email address. 

Project Details

Provide a short description (100 words recommended) of your project - a snippet we can use for publicity.
Must be a date. 
Must be a date. 
Who is the project for? What will you do? What do you expect to achieve?
Include township names, street locations or landmarks
Read the Creative Communities Strategy 2023 – 2029 and see if your proposal addresses any of the key initiatives. You can view the strategy here: Adopted - Creative Communities Strategy (
We are looking for applications that can achieve one or more of the following goals:  Helps to grow creative projects in the community, adds value to the local creative community and/or to own individual work,  Helps to develop the local arts community,  Gives the wider community the chance to experience and/or participate in the arts,  Creates opportunities for creatives to work together with other local creatives, residents and local community groups on projects.
Tell us how you are going to make your project happen. Some great things to add are timelines (you can attach a timeline document if you have one in the attachment section of this application), showing the tasks you need to complete to make it happen and how long they will take. Have a clear idea of your project and explain it so that anyone will understand what it is. Make sure it is not too ambitious; you must show us that you can realistically make it happen.


Must be a dollar amount. 
  • Complete the project budget below.
  • List all sources of income and their value.
  • List each supplier name and item/s to be purchased with grant funds and its value



Must be at least 1 rows

Budget Totals

This number/amount is calculated. 
This number/amount is calculated. 
This number/amount is calculated. 


Attach a file: Select stored file
    Attach a file: Select stored file

      Other Supporting Documents

      Upload as appropriate to the project. Supporting documents assist your application.

      Attach a file: Select stored file
        Submit current public liability insurance, certificate of currency here
        Attach a file: Select stored file
          Attach a file: Select stored file
            Attach a file: Select stored file
              Attach a file: Select stored file
                Attach a file: Select stored file
                  Attach a file: Select stored file
                    What will you do and when?


                    • I acknowledge that all details supplied in this application, including the attached documents, are true and correct.
                    • I acknowledge that the application has been submitted with the full knowledge and support of the Committee of Management of the applicant organisation and/or auspice organisation.
                    • I have read and understood the Arts and Cultural Fund applicant guide associated with this application.
                    • I will contact the Coordinator Arts & Culture at Baw Baw Shire Council immediately if any information provided in this application should change.
                    • I acknowledge and consent to the information provided in this application being shared in public forums, including, but not limited to, public Council meetings and via media and promotional activities.
                    Are you 18 years or older at the time of completing this application? * Required
                    Response required.
                    I have read and agree to the above declaration. * Required
                    I confirm that the above statements are true and correct:
                    Must be an Australian phone number. 
                    Must be an email address.